This artwork was crafted using oil paint and a painting knife, a technique born from my unfamiliarity with traditional brushes. Instead, I embraced the knife, which allowed me to layer and texture the paint in a way that conveyed the depth and emotion of the scene more intuitively. The inspiration for this piece came from a photograph I took on a routine walk home from school—an ordinary moment that captured an extraordinary image in the sky, reminiscent of a mother and child in an embrace. This scene held a personal resonance for me, as I have lived apart from my parents since my youth. The imagery of the embrace, set against the vast backdrop of the sky, evokes a sense of longing and comfort, bridging the physical distance with a symbolic connection to home and family. Through this work, I invite viewers to find their own connections and narratives, possibly reflecting on the universal themes of separation, longing, and the enduring bonds of love.

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